I loved this. ❤️

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It’s hard to picture the future with your ASD kids. Some things get easier as they get older and others get harder. My boys are taller and stronger than me. Meltdowns are a much bigger challenge.

Puberty was not kind. My older son (now 25), was generally calm and compliant child, started puberty onset seizures and off the wall behaviors. My younger son (now 22)… self injurious behaviors that we thought were extinguished reared their ugly heads. Hormones are a game changer.

It’s a never ending challenge coming up with strategies to keep them safe and happy. You just keep forging ahead doing the best you can and loving them with your whole heart.

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Kate, this is so well said and beautifully written. This is so real! Thanks for sharing 💕

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This is beautifully written. What scares me is the unknown of the future for my daughter. She is 8 years old can not read or write. The future scares me.

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