I am the mom to four children who range in age from 1 to 11.
I am a wife.
I own a business.
I co-run a nonprofit.
I am a public speaker.
I wear a lot of hats you could say.
I can say with certainty I am not lazy. In fact, many if not all of my past work reviews would say…self-starter with a strong work initiative and ethic. I know because I happen to have them in a drawer in my desk.
But lately, in much of my life, I feel unappreciated.
I feel like the things I do are not always tangible.
I call it carrying the mental load of the family.
I am a walking, talking, breathing, calendar, to-do list, shopping list, etc.
That’s me.
I order the Halloween costumes and make sure we have pumpkins to carve and candy to hand out.
I take the phone calls with my oldest son’s school daily and am the one who will most likely say…this isn’t working.
I know when my second son’s Spanish test is. We study spelling words every night and I go to the craft store to buy the supplies for his homework projects.
I schedule speech therapy and walk alongside a horse during therapeutic horseback riding.
I know I need 4 separate store-bought snacks for tomorrow so each kid can bring one for the party. I know the Halloween parade for the two littles is at 10:30 and that we get to wear costumes to horseback riding tomorrow night.
I schedule the appointments. I put them on the calendar. I RSVP to the birthday party invites and make sure we have a gift.
I make sure the toilet paper is stocked and that we have creamer for our morning coffee and know when it’s time to order our Christmas cards.
I carry the mental load.
I know all of the dates and phone numbers and who and when and what.
I give hugs and put band-aids on owies and answer all the questions that kids can ask.
And I’ll tell you…as four little kids turn into four bigger kids with lives and schedules and all the emails that accompany their days…things slip.
I can’t always remember everything. I miss some stuff.
My second youngest didn’t have his soccer shirt last Tuesday.
I missed an email about conferences.
And so on.
It’s unbelievable really. The weight of it all.
I guess my point of this email is…
I don’t mow the lawn. Even though I’d love too. I don’t rake the leaves. I don’t do all the things that are seen as important sometimes.
I never bake the cakes for kid’s birthday parties either.
But I still do a lot.
The ones who carry the mental load.
Let’s stop pointing out the things someone does not do and instead look for and acknowledge the things they do.
Now I must go buy the four ‘store-bought’ treats and track down all the pieces to 4 separate costumes for tomorrow.
The life of the parents who graciously carries the mental load.
I’d love if you checked out my website, www.findingcoopersvoice.com and gave me a follow on Facebook at, Finding Cooper’s Voice.
Also, every Tuesday I upload a video right here for paid subscribers. I’d love it if you joined us over there. And founding members get a free copy of my book, Forever Boy, signed by all six of us!
And if not, no biggie. I just want to thank you for being here. For reading and learning and sharing.
Thank you!
I hear ya, I feel ya.. You do carry the load especially mental load. You and me and so many amazing, strong, intelligent , multi tasking mamas!!!
It's not easy, it not fair so to say, it down right exhausting !!
You are appreciated even though I'm sure it doesn't feel like it at times but where would your kids be in this life, their lives if it wasn't for all you love and work..
My mom had five kids and also took in a sixth, a cousin who needed a good safe place .. and yes she worked
outside the home also in my father and her busines..full time !! Whew!!
we all loved her but as kids we just thought that's what moms do but as adult I think we all realized how actually amazing she was and we are forever grateful!! I can not even figure out how she actually had the energy to do it all to this day... its hard!!!!! .. i always say motherhood to me is the hardest but best job ever..BTW. my father was in the home made a good living in THEIR business but she like most women truly carried the load !!! Hang in there ..
Your kids adore you they just don't know how to tell you yet ..they appreciate you ... ps. I sure wish you did had more help on a regular basis around you .you need it .You Have A BIG LOAD TO HAUL!!! ...we all need some help from time to time ❤❤
In my case, I don’t make the money or provide the food on our table or roof over our heads. Therefore, my mental load is tenfold. I do it all. Everything else. All appointments. All the schedules. All the cleaning and laundry and picking up after the whirlwinds that’s don’t seem to realize they’re contributing to my mental load. Sure I get “appreciated” with thank you’d and such. But really, I’d just like them to pick up after themselves, or rather, just not dump they’re load on the surfaces and walk away.